Mamba Smith
Mamba Smith works hard to make sure every dog (and human) has their day. As Chief Barketing Officer for Green Financial Group, Mamba’s priority is to enhance our client service, office morale, and team-building efforts. Grounded in the philosophy that employee engagement has a direct effect on productivity, Mamba focuses on making sure our team isn’t over-working. She believes hounding her colleagues is not the best way to get things done. Instead, she aims to keep spirits high by encouraging things like taking frequent potty breaks and going for walks outside. No matter what she is doing, her goal is to make everyone feel welcome and loved, which is evident in the wet kisses she offers clients and colleagues as a greeting.
Prior to joining Green Financial Group, Mamba was a resident of K-9 Angels Rescue in Houston where she honed her skills in friendship, affection, and loyalty. Though Mamba is the youngest member of the Green Financial Group team, what she lacks in formal education, she makes up for in enthusiasm and real-world experience. In fact, she was fortunate enough to train directly under the Wolf of Wall Street which shines through in the way she fetches reports, reviews 401K-9 plans, and works with clients, both blue collar and white collar. She is well-versed in inspecting packages, locating interesting smells around the office, taste-testing all food at human mealtimes, and napping at her colleagues’ feet during meetings.
Outside of work, Mamba enjoys long walks in the park, sniffing out her feline sister, Pippa (who always seems to be hiding from Mamba for some strange reason), and trying to imitate the sound of ambulance sirens when they drive by. Originally hired on as a temp, Mamba rose quickly through the ranks to Chief Barketing Officer and has earned the title “Employee of the Month” back-to-back since her first day on the job. Good girl, Mamba.